Native apps: 2.0.0 (build10) compilation and store submit

Documentation is in progress

Table of contents:

Store submit


1. Register for a Google Play Developer account. Guide: If you want to publish a paid app or plan to sell in-app purchases, you need to create a payments center profile, i.e. a merchant account. Guide:

2. Enroll in Apple Developer programm. Guide: . If you want to  sell your iOS app for a price or offer in-app purchases must sign Paid Applications agreement. Guide:

3. Create app_details.txt file on your computer. You will store important app information in the file as you follow this documentation. Create /myapp/ folder in a safe place on your computer. You will be asked to store important app information as you follow this documentation.

4. Generate Firebase project credentials under your Google Play Developer account. Make sure to have android package name, google-services.json and server key saved in app_details.txt and /myapp/ folder as intructed in the guide.

5. Create Android app under your Google Play Developer account:

  • go to
  • click "Publish an Android App on Google Play" >> select default language and give your application a title.The title of your app will show on Google Play after you’ve published. Don’t worry too much about it at this stage; you can always change the name later
  • click on "Services and APIs" link form the left bar. Under "Licensing & in-app billing" copy your RSA code
  • save your RSA code into app_details.txt file.

6. Register iOS App ID under your Apple Developer account
  • go to iOS App Member Center interface
  • click App IDs in the Identifiers section placed in the Sidebar
  • add desired App ID Description (ex: CatsDatingOnline App )
  • select Explicit App ID
  • enter Bundle ID: copy android package name from your app_details.txt file and use it as Bundle ID. Important: Bundle ID must be same as android package name.

7. Download  "Skmobileapp 2.0.0"  source code of apps from . Note: If at any time in past your had your apps prepared and submitted by SkaDate team, contact SkaDate Support team and request source code of your apps from us.

8. Unpack downloaded file on your computer. /skmobileapp/ folder will be created.

9. Open /skmobileapp/ folder and complete at least basic re-branding changes . Note: if you've received your source code from SkaDate team, this step can be skipped unless you would like to make new changes.

10. Comlete your own custom changes (if any).

11. Prepare application.config.json

  • open /skmobileapp/ folder from command line:
    $ cd /path-to-skmobileapp-folder-here/skmobileapp/application
  • while being in /application/ folder in command line run following command (this will create application.config.json file):
    $ cp application.tmpl.config.json application.config.json
  • open newly created application.config.json file using text/code editor of your choice
  • assign your application an ID: replace with android package name saved in app_details.txt file. Remember your ID in application.config.json must be same as android package and iOS Bundle ID
  • change version ( optional)
  • add your application name: up to 10 symbols, only letters and empty spaced are allowed
  • add your application description: up to 20 charaters. Only letters, numbers, blank spaces, exclamation marks (!), underscores (_) and dashes (-) are allowed
  • add your own email address
  • use your site URL as authorUrl
  • use your full site URL as serverUrl: https:// protocol is required. If you are not sure what your full site URL is, open ow_includes/config.php file on your server and copy URL from OW_URL_HOME  line
  • add your  sender ID ( saved earlier in app_details.txt file) as googleProjectNumber.
  • add your RSA code ( saved earlier in app_details.txt file)  as playStoreKey.
  • do not change other lines and save your changes.


1. Make sure your environment meets our requirements

2. Open /skmobileapp/application/ folder from command line. Run following commands from command line in given order:

     $ cp package.tmpl.json package.json
     $ npm run setup
     $ npm run prepare
     $ ionic cordova resources --force
     $ ionic cordova platform remove ios
     $ ionic cordova platform add ios

3. For Android app: open /skmobileapp/application/platforms/android/ folder. Place your google_services.json file there ( you've originally saved google_service.json file into /myapps/ folder at step 4). After placing .json file, open /skmobileapp/application/platforms/android/ folder from command line and run following commands  in given order:

     $ npm run build_prod_android
     $ ionic cordova run android

4. For iOS app: set up iOS certificates  and proivisioning profiles .

5. After iOS certificates were set, open /skmobileapp/application/platforms/ios/ folder from command line  and run following commands  in given order:
     $ pod install
     $ npm run build_prod_ios

6. Open /skmobileapp/ folder from command line and run following command:
     $ composer install

6. Open /??????/ and run following command:
$ zip -r skmobileapp/ --exclude=skmobileapp/application --exclude=.DS_Store --exclude=skmobileapp/.git/**
This will create on your computer.

7. Install generated plugin using standard plugin installation steps.

8. Configure installed Skmobile app plugin .

9. Configure Facebook Application ( if FB connect plugin will be used in apps).

Store Submit.

After preparation steps are completed and plugin has been installed proceed with submitting apps to stores.
Prior to submitting apps following must be set:
- Deactivate Facebook Connect plugin and keep it inactive until you receive approval of BOTH apps.
- Configure Paid Membership and User Credits plugin in case if you are using them.
- Configure Google Map Location plugin
- Make sure following plugins are active: SkaDate System Tools, Skmobileapp, User Search, Matchmaking.
- Make sure your Privacy Policy and Terms of Use pages reflect YOUR Privacy and Terms of use rules.

Android App Store Submit.

1. Open compiled Android app in Android Studio ( folder to open /skmobileapp/application/platforms/android)
2. Test your application in emulator or your own device.
Take up to 8 screen shots of your application. These screenshots will be used within your Store Listing later.
Guide on running apps in Android Studio emulator:
Guide on screen shots and other graphic assets:
3. Generate a key and keystore.
Guide on generating key and keystore:
Important: SAVE following. information into your app_details.txt file. This information is needed for app updates in future and can NOT be restored.
- keystore pass
- alias
- alias password

Important: save your .jks file in safe location. You will not be able to re-download or restore this file.

3. Sign your app for release.
Once you’ve successfully created your Keystore, click on Generate Signed APK.
Guide on signing the app for release:

3a. In case if in Android Studio project "Generate Signed APK" is not working, run following  in command line from /??????/:
$ionic cordova run android
After finishing all process, you’ll get notification as APK Generated Successfully on the top-right corner of Android Studio.

4. Go to > open app you've created earlier.
5. Setup Store Listing.
- Product details
- Graphic assets
- Languages and translations
- Categorization
- Contact details
- Privacy policy
Guide > Set up your store listing

6. Upload APK file to the App Release

7. Setup pricing and distribution

8. Add in-app products ( if any)

9. Rollout release to publish app.

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