Firebase Project Credentials

To generate Firebase project credentials:

1. Open Google Developer Console
2. Create new project:

Google Console: create a project

3. Enter desired Project Name and click "Create"
4. After project is created open Firebase Console
5. Click "Add project"
6. Under "Project name" drop down select project name created earlier:

Firebase: create project

7. Click "Add Firebase"
8. Click gear wheel icon next to Project Overview>> click "Project Settings":
Firebase project settings

Click "Cloud Messaging" tab while being within your project settings. Here you will see you project credentials:
  1. Servery Key ( ex: AAAA********)
  2. SenderID (ex: 135519352256)


To view already existing project's credentaials:

1. Open Firebase Console
2. Click gear wheel icon next to Project Overview>> click "Project Settings":
Firebase project settings

3.Click "Cloud Messaging" tab while being within your project settings. Here you will see you project credentials:
  1. Servery Key ( ex: AAAA********)
  2. SenderID (ex: 135519352256)

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