
 Native apps: 2.0.0 ( build 10) Firebase project credentials

This is a supplementary guide to main Native apps: 2.0.0 (build10) compilation and store submit...

 Native apps: 2.0.0 ( build 10) local environment setup

Note: according SkaDate SLA  SkaDate support levels do not cover "direct assistance with third...

 Native apps: 2.0.0 (build10) compilation and store submit

Documentation is in progress Table of contents: PreparationCompilationStore submit...

 Native apps: 2.0.0 (build10) re-branding changes

Required graphical assets: icon.png: 1024x1024px, png image with no opacity.logo: at least...

 Native iOS app: creating certificates and provisioning profiles

This is a supplementary guide to main "Native Apps Compilation and Store Submit" documentation...