Progressive Web Apps: 2.0.2 (build 11110) compilation & installation

This is the main guide for compiling and installing SkaDate web applications (version 2.0.2 (build 11110)) . Before compiling apps, make sure your compilation environment meets following minimal requirements:
  • Installed Node.js platform of 6.9.3 version with npm v3.10.10.

Detailed information and recommendations on enrvionment setup are availabe at .

To compile and install SkaDate web applications (version 2.0.2 (build 11110)):

1. Download "Skmobileapp 2.0.2" source code of apps

2. Unpack downloaded file. /skmobileapp/ folder will be created

3. Open /skmobileapp/ folder  and complete  basic re-branding changes

4. Comlete your own custom changes (if any)

Prepare application.config.json

6. Move to /application/ folder using command line:
   $cd /application

7. While in /application/ folder run following commands from command line in given order:

   $ cp package.tmpl.json package.json
   $ npm run setup
   $ npm run prepare_ci
   $ npm run ionic:build --prod
   $ cordova build browser

8. Move one directory up ( from /application/ folder to /skmobileapp/ folder). Command to move one directory up:
   $ cd ../

9. Run following command from command line while being in /skmobileapp/ folder:
   $ composer install

10. Move one more directory up ( from /skmobileapp/ to the location where was unpacked. Ex: if you have unpacked .zip file on desktop, you will move from /skmobileapp/ folder to /desktop/). Command to move one directory up:
   $ cd ../

11. Run following command from command line while being in a directory above /skmobileapp/ to generate file:
   $ zip -r skmobileapp/ --exclude=skmobileapp/application* --exclude=*.DS_Store* --exclude=skmobileapp/.git/*

12. Check back end settings:

    • Сheck your software version at the bottom of any Admin Panel page. Your version must be: Skadate (11120). Platform version: 1.8.7 (11120). If your version is different make sure to perform a back end update
    • go to Admin panel > Plugins > Installed plugins. Make sure all plugins are up to date. If not, perform available plugin updates.
    • configure Paid Membership and User Credits plugins in case if you are using them
    • configure Google Locations if you will be using Google Maps for Locations Map plugin
    • make sure following plugins are active: SkaDate System Tools, User Search, Matchmaking, Messages.

13. Install generated as a plugin in Admin panel.

14. Configure installed SkaDate Mobile Application plugin.

15. Test installed web apps by opening your website from Safari (iPhone) or Chrome/Firefox (Android devices).

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