Supplementary guide 6: app details to provide SkaDate team (checklist)

SkaDate team needs following to compile and configure  web apps(PWA) for you

  1. Shared access details to Google API and Firebase Consoles. Guide:
    1. Specify whetner you will use Locations Map plugin: yes/no
    2. Specify whether you will use Firebase Auth ( Social Connect) plugin: yes/no
  2. Application name: short title of your web apps 
    1. only letters, numbers and blank spaces are allowed
    2. up to 10 characters
  3. Application description: short slogan to go next to your application name
    1. only letters, numbers, blank spaces, exclamation marks (!), underscores (_) and dashes (-) are allowed
    2. up to 20 characters
  4. Application icon: will be used as  icon on home screen, witnin app installation prompt, during application load and within push notifications for Android devices. 
    1. 512x512px
  5. Application logo: will be used on sign in  page of apps
    1. at least 512px wide

Logo and icon recommendations:

  •  Make sure artworks takes most of the 512px wide space. Do not enlarge the image  to meet 512px width requirement by adding empty space around your artwork.   Incorrect artwork placement:                                                               

  • Make sure your artwork is in a good quality. Do not stretch your artwork to meet  512px requirement. This will result in pixelated  image.
  • Make sure your logo design  ( colors) can be modified easily to  look good on  default blue background: not recommended color choice to the left, recommended to the right:                                                


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