SkaDate team needs following access details to compile and configure web apps(PWA) for you:
To share Google API Console access details:
- Open Google API Console
- Create new project:
- Enter desired Project Name and click "Create"
- After project is created you should see your project name instead of "Select project" switcher in the upper left corner. If you have not been switched to your project automatically, switch manually using drop down arrow
- Click navigation menu icon next to "Google APIs" ( icon of 3 horizontal lines)
- Mouse hover "IAM & Admin" > click "IAM"
- Click "Add" button
- "Add members" form will open to the right
- enter [email protected] into "New members" field
- select "Owner" as a role
- check "Send notification email" box
- click "Save"
- enter [email protected] into "New members" field
To share Google Firebase Console access details:
- After Google Developer Console project is created open Firebase Console
- Click "Add project"
- Under "Project name" drop down select project name created earlier:
- Click "Add Firebase" or "Create project". Then click "Continue"
- You will land on "Project Overview" page.
- Click gear wheel icon next to Project Overview>> click "Users and permissions"
- Click "Add member"
- enter [email protected] into "Email address" field
- select "Owner" as a role
- click "Add member"