Native apps: 2.0.0 ( build 10) Firebase project credentials

This is a supplementary guide to main Native apps: 2.0.0 (build10) compilation and store submit documentation.

Requirements: prior to generating Firebase credentials make sure you've created app_details.txt file and /myapp/ folder on your PC ( step 3 of main guide).

Expected result after comleting steps of this guide:
     - android package name > saved in app_details.txt file
     - google-services.json file > saved in /myapp/ folder
     - server key > saved in app_details.txt file

To generate Firebase project credentials

1. Open Google Developer Console
2. Create a new project:

     Google Console: create a project
3. Enter desired Project Name and click "Create"
4. After project is created open Firebase Console
5. Click "Add project"
6. Under "Project name" drop down select project name created earlier:

     Firebase: create project

7. Click "Add Firebase". You will land on "Project Overview" page
8. Click "Android" icon under "Get started by adding Firebase to your app ":

     Add Android to Firebase

     Fill in opened form:
          - enter Android package name in following format: domain_extension.domain . Ex: com.skadate
          - save entered package name into app_details.txt file created at step 3 of main compilation guide.
          - add optional App nickname
leave "Debug signing certificate SHA-1 (optional)" as is (empty)
          - at next step download config file using "Download  google-config.json" button
          - save downloaded file into /myapp/ folder on your PC created at step 3 of main compilation guide
          - click "Next". Skip "Add Firebase SDK" step and click "Next" one more time
          - click "Continue to Console".

9. Click gear wheel icon next to Project Overview>> click "Project Settings":
     Firebase project settings

Click "Cloud Messaging" tab while being within your project settings. Here you will see you project credentials. Copy your
Servery key ( ex: AAAA********). Save key name in  app_details.txt file created at step 3 of main compilation guide. You will need that name later to prepare application_config.json file


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