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The browser mobile version allows users to access the site via mobile devices.

Here you can manage the mobile pages, menu items.

To hide or move the item to the top or bottom menu drag and drop it to the desired position.

To delete the item, click the Delete (cross) icon against the item’s title.

The item will move to the Hidden area.

To edit the item, click the Edit (wheel) icon against the item’s title.

Change the title and click the Save button.

To add a new page drag and drop the New page item to the top or bottom menu.

To configure the item, click the Edit (wheel) icon against the item’s title.

* Enter the menu label;

* Choose the page type.

There are two types of the custom pages:

Local - choose to create a new page with your own custom content.

External - choose to add a button redirecting to an external site.

* Enter the page title;

* Enter the page content to the HTML Content area;

* Make the page visible to guests and/or registered members;

* Click Save.


In this section you can customize the widgets for the Mobile index page.

To add the widget to the User Profile page, drag and drop it to the Content block.

Click the Edit (wheel) icon against the widget’s title to manage the widget's settings.

You can make some widgets visible to a certain user role only:

1. Click the Edit (wheel) icon against the widget’s title;

2. Check the Restrict view box;

3. Uncheck the boxes for Free;

4. Check the box for VIP role;

5. Click the Save button.

This way the widget will be visible only to users with VIP user role.

To delete the widget, click the Delete (cross) icon against the widget’s title.

The following widgets are available on the Index page:


You can add the Bookmarks or Hot list widgets to the Dashboard page.


In this section you can disable the mobile version.

Check the Disable site mobile version box.

Click the Save button.

manuals/admin_area_manual/mobile.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/07 09:11 by