Table of Contents

iOS Application Customization manual

At first you should install “SkaDate iOS application plugin (server)” plugin from your Admin Area. Plugin is available for download in your Client Area > Downloads > Mobile Applications section. To install this plugin:

- Go to Admin Area > Plugins > Add new section

- Upload the (you will have to enter your FTP access details) and click Upload.

- Once the page refreshes - the plugin will get moved from the Available Plugins list to the Installed Plugins.

- Press the Install button.

Before starting the application customization, you will need to:

- create an account at

- create an account at

- prepare the application information listed at

Stage One: Register Application information

Create certificates

1. On the upper menu click xCode > Preferences and click + button on the lower left side on the pop up window and enter your iTunes Connect dev account details and click Sign-In

2. Then find your account on the lift side bar and click View Details

3. In the pop up window in Signing Identities section click Create next to iOS Distribution

4. Login to iOS Developer Member Center:

5. Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Certificates > All and see if the Certification is there.

Create Application ID

1. Go back to iOS App Member Center interface

2. Click App IDs in the Identifiers section placed in the Sidebar

3. Click the Register your App ID

4. Fill in the fields

Click Continue, check the data you entered is correct and click Submit

Create Provisioning Profiles

1. Click Distribution in the Provisioning Profiles section placed in the Sidebar

2. Then click manually generate profiles link

3. Select profile type - Distribution / App Store, click Continue

4. Select the required App ID from the list, click Continue

5. Select certificate that should be added to profile, click Continue

6. Enter profile name, e. g. CatsDatingOnline Distribution, click Generate. Do not click download.

7. Go back to xCode > Preferences choose your account and click View Details

8. In the pop up window in Provisioning Profiles section and Download the provisioning profile.

Stage Two: Customize your application

Customize application images

1. Download iOS Application source code from Customer Area > Support > Downloads > Mobile applications > SkaDate iOS application.

NOTE: There are three versions of iOS application available in your Client Area.

1. iOS app source code for 1.7.4 - 1.8.1 software versions. Do not download and use this version if your software version is 1.8.2 and higher.

2. iOS app source code for versions released after 1.8.1 without AdMob support. Use this version of app source code if you do not want Ads on your app. Do not use this version of app source code if your software version 1.8.1 or lower.

3. iOS app source code for versions released after 1.8.1 with AdMobsupport. Use this version of app source code if you want Ads on your app. Do not use this version of app source code if your software version 1.8.1 or lower.

2. Open Skadate/Resources/images directory

Replace the images in the /images/Icons.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/ directory.

The names and size of the images should remain as the default ones.1)

Replace the images in /images/Launch.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/ directory.

The names and size of the images should remain as the default ones.2)

Replace the images in /images/SignInSlides.xcassets/SignInSlide[0-3].imageset/ directories.

More information about images can be found here

Customize application info

1. Installing CocoaPods - dependency manager for Objective-C projects.3)

Follow the instructions described here to install CocoaPods.

Once CocoaPods is installed, open and use cd command to change current directory to Skadate iOS app project root directory

Use ls -al command to make sure the Podfile file is available in the current directory

Now you need to run the following command to install the dependencies in your project: pod install

2. Run open Skadate.xcworkspace command in Terminal or use Finder to run Skadate.xcworkspace file by clicking the 'Open with Xcode'

Click Skadate / 1 target, iOS SDK 8.0 in the Project Navigator

Find Build Settings tab on the right, enter product name to the search field. The Product Name setting should appear. Enter the new application name.

Open Info tab and find 'SITE_URL' config, enter your site URL

Go to Developer Portal Member Center → Identifiers → click App IDs and copy your application ID

Open Xcode, go to Info tab and enter the ID to Bundle Identifier field

Then, go to Build Settings tab and enter the ID to Product Bundle Identifier field.

Open Build Settings tab, enter code signing in the search field.

Add exception Domains

▪ Go to Info tab and extract App Transport Security Settings then extract Exception Domains and replace to your domain without http://www. e.g.

Change the Provisioning Profile, then Code Signing Identity for all select boxes to Distribution.

Click Skadate select box in the top right and reset interface as it is shown on the screenshot and repeat the action again:

Open General tab and enter the following information:

Bundle Identifier - e. g.: com.catsdatingonline.SuperCatsApp

Version - e. g.: 1.0

Build - e.g.: 2.5.4

Team - Extract dropdown menu and select your account in the list.

3. In case you want to translate your application to another language, please follow these steps:

▪ Open you application in Xcode by running Skadate.xcworkspace file.

▪ Click the Skadate / 1 target, iOS SDK 8.0 in the Project Navigator

▪ Click Skadate select box in the top right and reset interface as it is shown on the screenshot

Go to the Info tab and click the plus icon in the Localizations section

Do not make any changes, simple click the Finish button.

Go to Skadate/Resources/Localizable.strings and open created Localizable.strings(French) file.

▪ Translate all values.

Example of translation:

Original values:

“cancel” = “Cancel”;

“logout” = “Log Out”;

Custom values in French:

“cancel” = “Annuler”;

“logout” = “Déconnexion”;

Push Notifications - Please follow this manual to set up Push Notification for your iOS app.

Stage Three: Add application to iTunes

1. Login to

2. Click My Apps

3. Click the 'plus' icon > New iOS App

4. Fill in the App Information:

▪ Name - This is the name of the application in the App Store, spaces are allowed: Yoursite App

▪ Language - English

▪ SKU Number - unique application ID

▪ Bundle ID - select from the list, go to next step

5. The application information submission divided into several tabs:

- Go to App Store tab.

a. Select App Information in the Sidebar and fill in the following fields:

Name - This is the name of the application in the App Store, spaces are allowed: Yoursite App

Privacy Policy URL - URL with the Privacy Policy information on the site, e.g.

Primary Category - usually Social Networking

b. Select Waiting For Review in the Sidebar and fill in the following fields:

App Video Preview and Screenshots - upload screenshots of the application interface. 3-4 Display Screenshots for each device (To see the list of screenshots dimensions gohere).

You can make screenshots using simulator. Run the project on simulator:

- open Xcode, change the device and click the Play icon.

- select File → Save Screen Shot

The screenshot will be available on your Desktop.

Click Save.

c. Select Pricing and Availability in the Sidebar and fill in the following fields:

As soon as you complete these steps, click the Save button at the right top corner. The Submit for Review button in the right top corner should become clickable. Now you can proceed with the application archiving and upload. If you want to sell membership plans or credit packages via application, please, follow the instructions to add iOS In-App Purchases products.

Create the application archive

1. Go back to Xcode interface.

2. Check if the correct Bundle ID, Version, Build were added to the application project in Xcode. Bundle ID should be the same as the ID created in the App ID Creation step

3. Select Generic iOS Device.

4. Open Product → Scheme → Edit Scheme. Click Archive on the left, set Release, Archive Name for Build Configuration field;

Click Close

5. Click Product → Archive. The Archives organizer will open and the created archive will appear

6. Click Validate and choose your account in the drop down menu and click Choose

7. In the next window, do not change anything and click Validate

If the process is successful, the following message appears: Validation Successful

8. Then click Upload To Appstore

9. If the process is successful, you can upload the application to store by clicking Submit. After the application is submitted into the Store, the Submission Successful message appears.

10. Go back to your app at

11. Scroll down and click the Click + to add a build before you submit your app.

10. Select your application from the list and click Done.

11. Scroll up and click the Save button.

12. Click the Submit for Review button.

13. Select No options for all fields and click Submit if you customized the application with no Admob Click Yes in Advertising Identifier field. In the additional menu Check Serve advertisements within the app. And, Check the confirmation message.

The application status will change to Waiting For Review.

The application approval process usually takes about a week.

Facebook Connect configuration

If you are using our generic App ( then to get working FB Connect you need to:

1. Go to Facebook > Facebook connect application > Settings.

2. Click the Add Platform button.

3. Choose the iOS option;

4. Enter Bundle ID. Value should be: com.skalfa.SkadateLite;

5. Set the Yes value for the Single Sign On configuration and click Save Changes.

If you are using your custom application, then to get working FB Connect you need to:

6. Enter your custom Bundle ID. Find the instructions on how to create it here

7. Set the Yes value for the Single Sign On configuration and click Save Changes.

1) , 2)
Please see the image requirements here
this should be done only once