Firebase Auth (build 11120): for Skadate (11120). Platform version: 1.8.7 (11120)

Firebase Auth plugin enables Google, Facebook and Twitter connects on websites powered by SkaDate.

Compatibility:desktop Skadate (11120). Platform version: 1.8.7 (11120), apps 2.0.2
Requirements: active and ready-to-use Google account.
Plugin's source code: available out of box in Admin Panel > Plugins > Available plugins.
Alternatively can be downloaded from Installation guide:
License: uses main SkaDate license

SkaDate team needs following access details to configure  Firebase Auth plugin for you:

After sharing access details, make sure to notify SkaDate Support or your PM via email or ticket and specify your project/app name so that we can identify and accept your invite.

If you would like to configure plugin yourself, follow instructions bellow:

Creating Firebase Project ( required)

Important: If you are using web aps (PWA) 2.0.2 you must use the same Firebase project as in web apps.

  1. Open Google Developer Console and create new project. View screen shot
  2. Enter desired Project Name and click "Create". Ex: Firebase Auth
  3. After project is created open Firebase Console . Click "Add project"
  4. Under "Project name" drop down select project name created earlier. View screen shot
  5. Click "Add Firebase". You will land on "Project Overview" page
  6. Click "Web" icon  under "Get started by adding Firebase to your app ". View screen shot
  7. Enter deisred App nickname > click "Next". If you get several steps keep clicking "Next" until "Continue to Console" button becomes active. Click "Continue to Console"
  8. Under "Project Overview" click gear wheel icon > click "Project settings" > scroll down to "Your apps" section > under "Firebase SDK snippet" tap "Config" radio button >  from SDK snippet copy  and save in a text document following:
    • apiKey
    • authDomain
  9. While being within Project Settings > click "Service Account" tab > click "Generate new private key" > Generate Key. View screen shot
  10. Download the file to your PC. Rename downloaded file to: credentials.json
  11. Go to Admin panel of your SkaDate website > Plugins > Installed plugins > Firebase Auth > Settings.
    • Add saved apiKey and authDomain into correspondin fields in  "Api setup" widget
    • Upload your credentials.json under "Private key file"
    • Enter desired email for "Email example" field
    • Check at least "Google" box under "Social networks" widget and save/submit your changes. View screen shot
  12. Go back to Firebase Console > Project Overview. From the left navigation menu select "Develop"  and click "Authentication"
  13. Open "Sign-in method" tab and scroll down to "Advanced" section. Click "Change" next to "One account per email address "
  14. In an opened popup select "Prevent creation of multiple accounts with the same email address" option and save changes
  15. Click "Add domain" under "Authorized domains" section. Add your website's domain name/s. Ex: Note: if your domain name contains "www" make sure to add that domain name as well. Ex: . View screen shot
  16. Proceed with setting up sign-in  providers

Setting up sign-in providers

Note: Sign in  providers are configured in Firebase Console > Project Overview> Develop> Authentication > "Sign-in method" tab. To setup a provider hover the mouse over needed provided> click pencil icon.

Google Connect

While in  Firebase Console > Project Overview> Develop> Authentication > "Sign-in method" tab  hover the mouse over "Google" provider> click pencil icon > Toogle "Enable"  button

  1. Add desired "Project public-facing name". View screen shot
  2. Select "Project support email". View screen shot > save changes
  3. Go to Admin panel of your SkaDate website > Plugins > Installed plugins > Firebase Auth > Settings. Enable "Google connect" by checking "Google" box within "Social networks" widget
  4. Go to your site (https://your_domain_here/sign-in) and test Google integration by registering a new account via Google button.

Facebook Connect
  1. While in  Firebase Console > Project Overview> Develop> Authentication > "Sign-in method" tab  hover the mouse over "Google" provider> click pencil icon > Toogle "Enable"  button
  2. Copy your OAuth redirect URI and save in a text document. You will need it later. View screen shot
  3. Go to> My Apps > Create App ID
    • Enter desired Display Name. Ex: My Cool Site
    • Enter valid contact email address
    • Click "Create App ID"
    • Peform the security check if asked to
    • Page will refresh and redirect you to your app details page
  4. Open created app details page. From the left navigation menu click "Settings" >> " Basic":
    • Display name: correct your app name if you would like to
    • App domains: add your site URL in 2 formats. With "www" and without. Ex:,
    • Contact Email: correct your email if you would like to
    • Privacy Policy URL: enter link to your privacy policy. Ex: https://site_URL_here/privacy
    • Terms of Service URL: add link to your terms of use. Ex: https://site_URL_here/terms-of-use
    •  App Icon (optional): upload app icon in requested format/size
    • Category: choose your category. Ex: Social Networks & Dating
    • Save changes
  5. Click "Add platform" located before the "Save changes" button. Select "Website" platform >> Add valid (!), actual(!) and full (!) site URL >>Save changes
  6. From the left navigation menu click "+"  sign next to "Products". Click "Set up" under "Facebook Login" product. Select "Web" option>> Add valid (!), actual(!) and full (!) site URL >>Save
  7. Skip all other Quickstart steps by clicking "Settings" under "Facebook Login" product in left navigation menu. Configure "Client OAuth Settings" section as in screen shot bellow
  8. Add OAuth redirect URI copied from your Firebase project at step 2 of this guide into "Valid OAuth Redirect URIs" field. View screen shot
  9. Click on "OFF" sign in top navigation bar to make your app Live
  10. Go to Settings > Basic of your Facebook Application. Copy
    • App ID
    • App secret
  11. Go back to your Firebase project >  Add copied information into your Firebase project> Project Overview> Develop> Authentication > "Sign-in method" > Facebook. Add copied app ID and secret into corresponding fields ( screen shot is available under step 2 above)
  12. Go to Admin panel of your SkaDate website > Plugins > Installed plugins > Firebase Auth > Settings. Enable "Facebook Connect" by checking "Facebook" box within "Social networks" widget
  13. Go to your site (https://your_domain_here/sign-in) and test Facebook integration by registering a new account via Facebook button.

Twitter Connect

  1. While in  Firebase Console > Project Overview> Develop> Authentication > "Sign-in method" tab  hover the mouse over "Twitter" provider> click pencil icon > Toogle "Enable"  button
  2. Copy your callback URL and save in a text document. You will need it later
  3. Go to > Create an app ( Note: if you don't have an active Twitter Developer account you will be asked to apply at this stage. Apply for a Twitter developer account: You will be asked several questions:
    • What is your primary reason for using Twitter developer tools? Answer: Building Constumer Products
    • You are signing up for a team developer account. Answer: selected desired account type. Depending on selected account type you will be asked to provide further information.
    • Twitter Connect feature that comes with Firebase Auth plugin does not:
      • analyze Twitter data
      • use Tweet, Retweet, like, follow, or Direct Message functionality
      • display Tweets or aggregate data about Twitter content outside of Twitter
      • make Twitter content or derived information available to a government entity
    • Confirm provided information, agree to Twitter Terms of use and follow further on-screen instructions from Twitter.
    • After application is submitted you will have to wait until it is approved by Twitter

  4. After approval  go to > Create an app
  5. Give your application desired App name and add desired Application description
  6. Add your full website URL into Website URL field
  7. Check "Enable Sign in with Twitter" box
  8. Add callback URL copied from Firebase at step 2 into "Callback URLs" field
  9. Add Organization name and Organization website URL if applicable
  10. Add bellow text into "Tell us how this app will be used" field. Make sure to replace "Site Name" with your actual site name > click "Create":
    • Sample description: This application is connected to Twitter Login feature at {$SiteName}. Application requests only read permissions and is based on intergation.
  11. At next step you can review submitted information and upload app icon
  12. Click "Permissions" tab > Edit > select "Read Only". Under "Additional permissions" check "Request email address from users" box > save changes
  13. Click "Keys and tokens" tab. Under "Consumer API keys" copy your API and API secret keys
  14. Go back to Firebase Console > Project Overview> Develop> Authentication > "Sign-in method" tab  hover the mouse over "Twitter" provider> click pencil icon > Toogle "Enable"  button > paste copied Twitter Consumer API keys into corresponding fields at Firebase
  15. Go to Admin panel of your SkaDate website > Plugins > Installed plugins > Firebase Auth > Settings. Enable "Twitter Connect" by checking "Twitter" box within "Social networks" widget.
  • 1 Users Found This Useful
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