SMS User Verification

SMS User Verification plugin enables verification of site users through SMS during registration on the site/apps. SMS verification utilizes Twilio system ( ), making it globally available, and highly configurable.

Compatibility: desktop Skadate (11120). Platform version: 1.8.7 (11120), apps 2.0.2
Requirements: active and ready-to-use Twilio account
Plugin's source code: available out of box in Admin Panel > Plugins > Available plugins. Alternatively can be downloaded from . Installation guide:
License: uses main SkaDate license

SkaDate team needs access details to your Twilio account to configure SMS User Verification plugin for you. You can provide your details in an email or ticket.

If you would like to configure plugin yourself, follow instructions bellow:

Configure plugin
Test plugin
View additional information

To configure plugin after installation:
  1. Sign up for Twilio account at registration you will be redirected to your trial project's dashboard. If you would like to upgrade right away to access full benefits visit OR you can stay with your restricted  trial account to test Twilio SMS delivery first
  2. Regardless of your Twilio account type you must obtain Twilio Phone number with SMS capabilities. Buy phone number at . If you are using trial you can click "Get a trial number" from your trial project's dashboard (
  3. Copy obtained phone number and add it in Admin Panel of your site >Plugins > Installed plugins > SMS User Verifications > mouse hover > settings >Twilio phone number field                                                               
  4. Go back to your Twilio Console dashboard. Click Settings >General from left navigation menu > scroll down to "API Credentials" section
  5. Under  TEST Crdentiaals, copy your Test Account SID and Test AuthToken and add them to corresponding fields in Admin Panel of your site > Plugins > Installed plugins > SMS User Verifications > mouse hover > settings > save changes
  6. Under "Live Credentials" copy  your Account SID and Auth Token and add them to corresponding fields in Admin Panel of your site > Plugins > Installed plugins > SMS User Verifications > mouse hover > settings  > save changes
  7. If you are using Twilio Trial account, make sure to verify at least 1 phone number at . Trial accounts are allowed to send SMS only to verified numbers. Learn more how to user you trial Twilio account at . If you've updated your Twilio account, skip this step.
  8.  Go back to Admin Panel > >Plugins > Installed plugins > SMS User Verifications > mouse hover > settings . There are two optional settings you can configure here:
    1. Email verification: check this box if you would like your site users to verify their email address after verifying phone number
    2. Mandatory SMS verification mode: check this box if you would like already existing site users to go  though sms verification next time they login to your site


To test plugin after configuration:

  1. If you are using Trial Twilio account, in Admin Panel > >Plugins > Installed plugins > SMS User Verifications > mouse hover > settings >  make sure TestAccountSID and Test AuthToken fields were filled in > save changes
  2. If you are using upgraded Twilio account, make sure  AccountSID and AuthToken fields were filled in > save changes
  3. Register a new test user on your site. At at a last step of registration enter your real phone number. Note: if you are using a Trial Twilio account you must enter one of your verified phone numbers ( : refer to step 7 of configuration guide above or to guide. Otherwise SMS delivery will not work:                                               
  4.  Enter received code into the next form:                                                                                                 

Additional information:

1. You can edit text of SMS that comes with the code in Admin Panel > Settings > Languages > enter_code_message > check "in keys" box > go. Direct link: https://your_domain_here/admin/settings/languages?prefix=smsverification&search=enter_code_message&in_keys=y

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