FROM: Skadate (11000). Platform version: 1.8.4 (10800)
TO: Skadate (11050). Platform version: 1.8.4 (10840)
VIA: patch_2.0.0
- Make sure your hosting meets minimal SkaDate requirements: . Mainly: PHP 7.0 and MySQL 5.0-5.6
- Back up your current source code
- Back up your current database
- Deactivate third party plugins
- Disable caching if any (Ex: CloudFlare)
- Download "patch_2.0.0" update package from:
- Open your website's root directory using File Manager, FTP client or command line.
- Upload file into website' root directory ( ex: public_html) Tip: if you see ow_core or ow_includes folders - you are in website's root directory. If you don't- you are in a wrong location
- Unzip file
- Visit Admin Panel of your website. Proceed with updating plugins' database data. Following plugins will request a DB update:
- SkaDate System Tools
- PayPal Billing
- Paid Membership
- Messages
- Video Instant Messanger
- Check software version: at the bottom of any admin panel page make sure your version is Skadate (11050). Platform version: 1.8.4 (10840)
- Activate back third party plugins one by one
- Add custom modifications ( if any)
- Enable caching ( if any was present before update).