−Table of Contents
Emails sent by SkaDate and native plugins
List of emails SkaDate software and it's native plugins send to users or/and allow site Admin to send.
Text keys used for emails can be edited/translated in Admin area > Settings > Language > Select desired language from drop down > Enter corresponding keywords > Click Go:
Once text keys are found, edit the value within the right box > Save changes:
Note: SkaDate has keys in 2 formats: _html and _txt (_text) . Depending on end user's email settings, software delivers an email either in text or .html format . Therefore make sure to edit/translate both text keys. |
Having troubles sending/receiving emails? Please check How to troubleshoot mailing issue guide.
System Emails
Verification email
This email is sent when the Confirm Email box is checked in Admin area > Settings > User Settings > Email Settings.
Cron related: No. If SMTP is disabled this email is sent regardless of Cron Jobs.
Used text keys:
- {text key='base+email_verify_template_html'}
- {text key='base+email_verify_template_text'}
- {text key='base+email_verify_subject'}
Default title value: Email verification
Default body value:
Dear {$username}, Thank you for registering at {$site_name}! Now you need to verify your email by clicking this link: {$url} Alternatively you can insert this code at the verification page {$verification_page_url} : {$code} Thank you, {$site_name} administration
Welcome email
Is sent after registration is successfully completed and email is verified (in case if verification feature is enabled).
Cron related: No. If SMTP is disabled this email is sent regardless of Cron Jobs.
Used text keys:
- {text key='skadate+welcome_letter_template_html'}
- {text key='skadate+welcome_letter_template_text'}
- {text key='base+welcome_letter_subject'}
Default title value: {$site_name} registration
Default body value:
Welcome to {$site_name}! Thanks for joining us. Here are some quick links that you need to find your way around: - Main page: {$site_url} - welcome! - Upload photos: {$site_url}photo/viewlist/latest - you are guaranteed to receive no response without photos; - Change profile details: {$site_url}profile/edit - again, people will only engage if they get some impression of you. Invest time in your profile; - Look who's in: {$site_url}users/search We are eager to send many dates your way! {$site_name} administration {$site_url}
Approval email
Is sent after site Admin approves user. The Mandatory user approve box should be checked in Admin area > Settings > User Settings > Privacy.
Cron related: No. If SMTP is disabled this email is sent regardless of Cron Jobs.
Used text keys:
- {text key='base+user_approved_mail_html'}
- {text key='base+user_approved_mail_txt'}
- {text key='base+user_approved_mail_subject'}
Default title value: Your account has been approved
Default body value:
Dear {$user_name}, We are glad to let you know that your account on {$site_name} has been approved. Now you can sign in here: {$site_url} We hope you enjoy our site to the fullest. Thank you, Administration {$site_name} {$site_url}
Forgot Password email
Is sent when user resets their password using “Forgot Password” form.
Cron related: No. If SMTP is disabled this email is sent regardless of Cron Jobs.
Used text keys:
- {text key='base+reset_password_mail_template_content_html'}
- {text key='base+reset_password_mail_template_content_txt'}
- {text key='base+reset_password_mail_template_subject'}
Default title value: Reset code for new password
Default body value:
Dear {$username}, You requested to reset your password. Follow this link ({$resetUrl}) to change your password. If the link doesn't work, please enter the code manually here ({$requestUrl}). Code: {$code} If you didn't request password reset, please ignore this email. Thank you, {$site_name}
Suspension email
Is sent when site Admin suspends a user.
Cron related: No. If SMTP is disabled this email is sent regardless of Cron Jobs. Used text keys:
- {text key='base+suspend_notification_html'}
- {text key='base+suspend_notification_text'}
- {text key='base+suspend_notification_subject'}
Default title value: Your account has been suspended Default body value:
Dear {$realName}, We are informing you that your account on {$site_name} has been suspended with the following reason given: {$suspendReason} Thank you, {$site_name} team
Emails generated by site Admin
Invitation Emails
Are sent when site Admin invites users from Admin area > Users > Browse Users > Invite New members.
Cron related: Yes. Emails are sent only when Cron runs.
Used text keys:
- {text key='base+mail_template_admin_invite_user_content_html'}
- {text key='base+mail_template_admin_invite_user_content_text'}
- {text key='base+mail_template_admin_invite_user_subject'}
Default title value: Invitation to {$site_name}
Default body value:
Hi, We invite you to join our website - {$site_name}. Please join here: {$url} Administration {$site_url}
Mass Mailing
Emails sent by Admin in Admin area > Users > Mass Mailing.
Cron related: Yes. Emails are sent only when Cron runs.
Used text keys: None.
Default title value: Custom. Site Admin specifies email subject when creating mailing.
Default body value: Custom. Site Admin specifies email body when creating mailing.
Plugin related emails
Matchmaking emails
Emails sent about new found matches.
Plugin: Matchmaking.
Cron related: Yes. Emails are sent only when Cron runs.
Used text keys:
- {text key='matchmaking+email_txt_head'}
- {text key='matchmaking+email_html_description'}
- {text key='matchmaking+email_notifications_send_new_matches_subject'}
- {text key='matchmaking+email_txt_bottom'}
- {text key='matchmaking+email_html_bottom'}
Default title value: New matches for you
Default body value:
Dear {$userName}, Here are your latest matches on {$site_name}:
Activity Notification emails
Emails sent about user's activity. User selects which activity notification emails he wishes to receive and how often in his account > My preferences > Email notifications.
Plugin: Activity Notifications.
Cron related: Yes. Emails are sent only when Cron runs.
Used text keys:
- {text key='notifications+email_html_description'}
- {text key='notifications+email_txt_head'}
- {text key='notifications+email_subject'}
- {text key='notifications+email_html_bottom'}
- {text key='notifications+email_txt_bottom'}
Default title value: Latest activity on {$site_name}
Default body value:
Dear {$userName}, Here's the latest activity on {$site_name} related to you:
Activity related content is defined separately in corresponding plugin.
Activity notifications: someone comments my photo.
Used text key: {text key='photo+email_notifications_comment'}.
Default key value:
<a href="{$userUrl}">{$userName}</a> commented on your <a href="{$photoUrl}">photo</a>.
Bookmark emails
Reminders about user's bookmarks.
Plugin: Bookmarks. Cron related: Yes. Emails are sent only when Cron runs.
Used text keys:
- {text key='bookmarks+email_html_description'}
- {text key='bookmarks+email_notify_subject'}
Default title value: These people are waiting for you
Default body value :
Your bookmarks are waiting for you, visit their pages and learn something new on <a href="{$site_url}">My Dating site</a>
Membership related emails
Emails about status of user's paid membership.
Plugin: Paid Memberships.
Cron related: Yes. Emails are sent only when Cron runs.
Text keys/values used for email's title:
- {text key='membership+plan_expired_notification_subject'} - Your membership has expired
- {text key='membership+plan_expires_notification_subject'} - Your membership expires in {$days} days
- {text key='membership+plan_expires_today_notification_subject'} - Your membership expires in 24 hours
- {text key='membership+plan_purchase_notification_subject'} - Successful upgrade to {$membership} membership level
- {text key='membership+plan_renewed_notification_subject'} - Your membership has been renewed
Membership has expired (text keys/values used within email's body):
- {text key='membership+plan_expired_notification_html'}
- {text key='membership+plan_expired_notification_text'}
Hi {$name}, We are letting you know that your {$membership} membership just expired but don't let that stop you! You are warmly invited to extend your membership to stay connected in our community and enjoy all of its benefits! And of course, if you have any questions or concerns, just let us know! We are eagerly willing to help you in any way possible! Sincerely, {$site_name} team
Membership expires in {$days} (text keys/values used within email's body):
- {text key='membership+plan_expires_notification_html'}
- {text key='membership+plan_expires_notification_text'}
Hello there {$name}, We hope you enjoy being a part of our community as much as we do. Here's a friendly reminder that your {$membership} membership expires in {$days} days, so it may be a good idea to check your preferred payment method to make sure you stay connected. If you have any concerns or questions, just let us know, we are always there to help! Sincerely, {$site_name} team
Membership expires in 24 hours(text keys/values used within email's body):
- {text key='membership+plan_expires_today_notification_html'}
- {text key='membership+plan_expires_today_notification_text'}
Hi {$name}, We hope you enjoy being a part of our community as much as we do. Here's a friendly reminder that your {$membership} membership expires in 24 hours, so it may be a good idea to check your preferred payment method to make sure you stay connected. If you don’t have a recurring membership set up, you are encouraged to do that to ensure smooth and uninterrupted premium experience that {$membership} membership provides. If you have any concerns or questions, just let us know, we are always there to help! Sincerely, {$site_name} team
Successful upgrade to {$membership} (text keys/values used within email's body):
- {text key='membership+plan_purchase_notification_html'}
- {text key='membership+plan_purchase_notification_text'}
Hi {$name}, Thanks for upgrading! We hope you will enjoy the benefits of your new membership at our site, which will last until {$expirationDate}. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, we are always there for your convenience. Sincerely, {$site_name} team
Your membership has been renewed (text keys/values used within email's body):
- {text key='membership+plan_renewed_notification_html'}
- {text key='membership+plan_renewed_notification_text'}
Hi there {$name}, Your {$membership} membership has just been renewed, since you have a recurring {$membership} membership set up at our site. Thank you for being a part of our community! And of course, if you have feedback, or any questions/concerns, just let us know! Sincerely, {$site_name} team
Credit purchase email
Plugin: User Credits.
Cron related: Yes. Emails are sent only when Cron runs.
Used text keys:
- {text key='usercredits+pack_purchase_notification_html'}
- {text key='usercredits+pack_purchase_notification_text'}
- {text key='usercredits+pack_purchase_notification_subject'}
Default title value: {$credits} credits purchase
Default body value:
This is to confirm that you just bought {$credits} credits for {$price} {$currency}. It's exciting what you can do with them in our community! Thank you for your purchase and have a good day! Sincerely, {$site_name} team
Wink emails
Are sent when one sends user a wink.
Plugin: Winks
Cron related: Yes. Emails are sent only when Cron runs.
Used text keys:
- {text key='winks+wink_send_email_html_content'}
- {text key='winks+wink_send_email_text_content'}
- {text key='winks+wink_send_email_subject'}
- {text key='winks+wink_back_email_html_content'}
- {text key='winks+wink_back_email_text_content'}
- {text key='winks+wink_back_email_subject'}
Default title value: {$displayname} Winked at you
Default body value:
<img src="{$src}" title="{$displayname}"> <a href="{$url}">{$displayname}</a> <a href="{$home_url}">winked</a> at you.
Default title value for winked back: {$displayname} Winked back at me
Default body value for winked back:
<img src="{$src}" title="{$displayname}"> <a href="{$url}">{$displayname}</a> <a href="{$conversation_url}">winked back</a> at you.
New message emails
Notifications about new messages.
Plugin: Messages.
Cron related: Yes. Emails are sent only when Cron runs.
Used text keys:
- {text key='mailbox+notification_mail_subject'}
- {text key='mailbox+notification_mail_template_html'}
- {text key='mailbox+notification_mail_template_text'}
Default title value: New message from {$sendername}
Default body value:
Hello {$username}, You have received a new message from {$sendername} on {$site_name}. Go to {$replyUrl} to reply to this message. Sincerely, {$site_name} administration