
How SpeedMatch feature works on the iOS application?

User clicks the Filter button in the top right corner and selects criteria; the software will compose matches on the basis of these criteria.

All matches will be within your profile's location.

When user enter SpeedMatch page, they will see profiles one-by-one meeting criteria user chose in the filter; the profiles will have the same location.

There are two buttons: heart and cross.

If you click cross, it means you are not interested in the user ans they won't show up for you.

If you click heart, the system will remember you liked this profile and if this profile clicks heart on your profile, the conversation will open between you.

For example, you can add events on the site, let's say Speedmatching event on Friday at 17:00 Users can press hearts and communicate.

As soon as event ends, users can bookmark each other.

So, SpeedMatch feature works for two users, as soon as both of them click heart, they won't be able to contact each other.

faq/apps/ads.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/07 09:11 by